Sunday, June 12, 2011


I watched Dazed and Confused sometime back and man, I have no idea why I waited so long to watch it. I remember reading somewhere that Quentin Tarantino mentioning it in his favourite movies and I seriously dig that man so, well, yeah, I wanted to watch it, basically.
I watched it with my sister and she thought the movie was made in the 70s. When she found it released in 1993, she was like, "Wow, that makes it so cool!"
And it does.
I love it. I loved the music, the whole stoner 70s feel, Wiley Wiggins's facial expressions, "See You Later Alligator" (I laughed for ages over that).

I never get why people flap their arms when they've been smoking and an adult enters the room. Then, again, it's not like I've really smoked so I wouldn't know if flapping wafts the smell away.

Mitch's expressions. Every single one of them. Priceless.

This guy. Was the cutest person in the whole movie.

Oh man, she was precious.

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